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Improving productivity through the promotion of bio-fortified crops for smallholder farmers in the Rubavu and Rutsiro districts or the “HINGA-UKIRE Project” is an intervention covering approximately 5% of the total population that focuses on cultivating biofortified crops across 4500 hectares of beans, 900 hectares of cassava, and 810 hectares of sweet potatoes through coordinated multi-sectoral efforts.


The project "Improving productivity through the promotion of bio-fortified crops for smallholder farmers in the Rubavu and Rutsiro districts, Hinga-Ukire project" is implemented by RWARRI with support from the European Union. The project’s expected impact is to improve the livelihoods and nutrition status of the population in the Rutsiro and Rubavu districts in Rwanda. The initiative focuses on distributing bio-fortified crops, sourced from Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Board, producing and disseminating clean planting materials for biofortified crops, namely high iron beans, orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, and Cassava rich in carotene to smallholder farmers. The project, developed in collaboration with stakeholders, aims to positively impact smallholder farmers located in seven sectors in the Rutsiro district (Musasa, Kigeyo, Mushonyi, Boneza, Kivumu, Gihango, Mushubati) and four sectors in the Rubavu district (Rubavu, Nyundo, Rugerero, Nyamyumba). The intervention, covering approximately 5% of the total population, focuses on cultivating biofortified crops across 4500 hectares of beans, 900 hectares of cassava, and 810 hectares of sweet potatoes through coordinated multi-sectoral efforts.

Specific Objectives

  1. To adopt the planting materials (multiplied and disseminated) by 15,525 farmers in Rubavu and Rutsiro districts by the end of the project;
  2. To increase by 30% the production of targeted crops in the intervention areas by the end of the project;
  3. To achieve a 5% decrease in malnutrition rates among children under 5;
  4. To establish the community fund for agricultural inputs access by 15,525 farmers by the end of the project and
  5. To strengthen the partnership among the project’s critical actors before the project ends.

The project's expected outcomes

The project's expected outcomes are as follows:

  • OC1: Biofortified planting materials are available and accessible to farmers;
  • OC2: Bio-fortified multiplied and disseminated planting materials are adopted by the farmers;
  • OC3: Capacity building provided to the multipliers and targeted farmers;
  • OC4: Targeted farmers are grouped and own a Community Fund.
  • OC5: 3 Selling points are established.

The project's expected Outputs

  • OP1: Improved skills of plant material multipliers on production and multiplication of bio-fortified crops;
  • OP2: Increased availability and access of farmers to bio-fortified crop varieties;
  • OP3: Strengthened capacities of smallholder farmers in the use of fortified crops, Climate Smart Agriculture, Good Agriculture Practices (GAP), and related subjects;
  • OP4: Increased awareness about nutrition among farmer’s communities and relevant stakeholders;
  • OP5: Increased access to financial resources for farmers.

Implementation methodology

The RWARRI intervention aims to enhance agricultural productivity among vulnerable smallholder farmers in the Rubavu and Rutsiro districts; the project plans to achieve several objectives, including widespread adoption of biofortified crops, an increase in crop production, the establishment of a community fund for agricultural inputs, and strengthened partnerships among project stakeholders. Implementation involves training local seed multipliers to propagate biofortified seeds of high-iron beans, orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, and cassava rich in carotene. The project financially supports multipliers for initial seed multiplication and ensuring sustainability. Beneficiary selection criteria include land allocation for multiplication, signing a consent note to boost the production of biofortified crops to ensure food security and increase income, commitment to training, and willingness to share seeds with neighbours. The initiative also targets increased leadership, particularly empowering women and youth to advocate for development.