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Mvuyekure, an EWMR-made producer of Irish potatoes in Rutsiro

By RWARRI at 4/19/2022

Mvuyekure Jean Damascene, living in Rutsiro district, Ruhango sector, Rundoyi Cell, is a new producer of Irish potatoes due to the Embedding Integrated Water Resources Management in Rwanda-EWMR project interventions on his 2 hectares of land.

As stated by Mvuyekure, before the EWMR project constructed radical terraces on his land in 2021, this land served for almost nothing due to soil degradation, erosion, and acidity. “I got this land from my father, but I have never seen it bear income before EWMR interventions”, he revealed.

When the EWMR project started its activities in the Ruhango sector, Mvuyekure was the first direct beneficiary to allow willingly radical terraces establishment on his 2 hectares of land. “Once terraces were established, I also received from EWMR project farming technical assistance, lime to control soil acidity and organic manure to increase soil fertility”, he joyfully mentioned and explained that radical terraces have a positive impact on the environment where they contribute to limiting water flow and soil degradation.

Thus, Mvuyekure started exploiting his newly terraced land. “In December 2021, I planted 700kgs of Irish potatoes in my land, and today I got 11,7MT of Irish potatoes valued at 2,925,000Rwf”, he disclosed and added that radical terraces contributed to an increase in the farm productivity and also contributed to poverty reduction.  

In addition to this Irish potatoes’ income, Mvuyekure estimated the value of grasses planted at the edges of the radical terrace at 179,400Rwf. Indeed, Mvuyekure uses these grasses to feed the two cows, giving him enough manure to fertilize his plots.

Mvuyekure Jean Damascene is currently very thankful to the EWMR project that contributes immensely to the economic growth of his family.  

Radical terraces increase farm productivity, fight against erosion, and contribute to poverty reduction.