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Inauguration of green technology project in Ngoma District

By RWARRI at 9/30/2021

Embargoed: 1st Sept 2021 at 9:00 AM

(KIGALI, 30 September 2021) - To increase the capacity of farmers in terms of horticultural productivity, climate resilience, and access to markets for a better livelihood of vulnerable groups in Mutenderi and Zaza Sectors of Ngoma district, Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Initiative-RWARRI received a grant of around 271millions Rwandan francs from FONERWA to implement a project entitled “Improving the smallholder farmers’ livelihoods and climate resilience by using green technologies in Ngoma district.”

As revealed by Uwizeye Belange, the Executive Secretary of RWARRI, the project consisted of establishing solar pumping systems and constructing two water reservoirs of 500m3 each to irrigate 10Ha in the Zaza and Mutenderi sectors, respectively. “Today, we launch the irrigation systems officially, and we make a provisionally hand over of the infrastructure to smallholder farmers regrouped into water users’ associations who are the direct beneficiaries of this project,” he clarified.

Currently, farmers have planted at Zaza site crops including green peppers, peppers, green beans, watermelons, and eggplants, while on the other side, Mutenderi site, there are green peppers, tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, onions, and eggplants.

Under this green technology project, farmers received training on Climate-Smart Agriculture(CSA), gender mainstreaming and social inclusion, organizational skills, and bookkeeping. The project provided agricultural inputs to farmers for horticultural production, fruit seedlings and organized linkage sessions with agro-dealers, buyers, and Financial Institutions.

RWARRI implemented the green technology project in partnership with the Ngoma district under the Government Programme named “Small-Scale Irrigation Technology (SSIT)” led by Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB).

The project beneficiaries are 1,205 smallholder farmers.


Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Initiative (RWARRI) is a national Non-Governmental Organization that started its operations in Rwanda in 1995. RWARRI dedicates to promote and improve the social and economic welfare of rural communities in Rwanda. The organization is officially recognized and registered by the Government of Rwanda as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) since 2003 and with registration No 37/11 14/SC&RT. It also has registration with the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB), a government body tasked with Civil Society Organizations’ regulation (CSOs).

The Vision

To realize a population of rural Rwandese communities that is economically and socially sustainable and transformed.

The Mission

To be one of the most valued and respected Non-Governmental Organizations in Rwanda and beyond, working towards achieving sustainable livelihoods among the rural poor and shaping national policies leads to positive economic and social development.

The organization’s philosophy comes from its values

Transparency, Accountability, Respect for Human Dignity, Effectiveness, and Equity. RWARRI has operational policies that guide top management to junior staff and targeted beneficiaries. Every employee or board member joining the organization sign a code of conduct and commit to respect our values and human dignity in general. The organization has an organigram governing the staff hierarchic and allows project implementation, evaluation, and reporting. According to a strict recruitment process, the organization’s hire staff matches the position available with equal opportunity and encourages women candidates to apply.

Focus areas and targeted groups

Over the last twenty-seven years, the organization has specialized in projects focusing on food security and livelihood improvement, improved nutrition among the vulnerable members of society, environment, climate change, and conservation in agricultural production. The organization has developed tremendous capacity around these key focus areas regarding staff, institutional, and experience.

RWARRI, in its interventions, takes particular insight into the vulnerable community in rural areas, specifically people with a small income, women, children, youth, and people living with disabilities.

For further information please, contact:

BIZIMANA Viateur, Communication officer

Contacts: 0781254505 / 0788461755